Below you will find the key Richmond Park School policies. All the documents can be downloaded. Complaints should be managed through the form at the end of this page.

This section will be updated and developed regularly.


Richmond Park School will establish and maintain a strong community based on shared principles, values and understanding. Part of that strength will come from having clear procedures for communicating and responding to any concerns or complaints. Parents have a right to express their views to the school and expect a quick and appropriate response. The school, in turn, has a right to insist that all such matters are dealt with using the appropriate channels. Opinions and thoughts expresses via social media will only complicate issues and make it harder to find solutions.

Key principles

The complaints procedure will:

  • — Encourage resolution of problems by informal means whenever possible
  • — Be accessible to all the community
  • — Be clear, simple to understand and use
  • — Be impartial
  • — Facilitate quick handling of the issue, with time limits and, if appropriate, regular information of progress
  • — Respect confidentiality
  • — Address all relevant points and provide an appropriate and effective response
  • — Provide information to the Board of Directors so that the school can maintain standards and, when appropriate, make changes.



Any worries or doubts about a child’s personal or academic development should be communicated verbally to the appropriate tutor in a pre-arranged meeting. Usually, a solution will be found or an agreement reached at that meeting. A summary of the key points will be made and kept by the teacher.


Parents who wish to complain about some aspect of the school’s functioning or performance or to reiterate a complaint which has not been resolved informally should complete the complaints form( see below). The complaint will be referred to the primary leader, who will normally respond within three days to arrange a meeting.
At any point, the primary leader may decide to consult or refer the matter to the directors of education. Also, a parent may request a meeting, or write to the directors of education, who will respond within a week. Any remaining complaints of major importance about the school or company will be communicated to the board of directors ( the directors and the chief executive officer).Within two weeks a written response will be provided and a copy kept in a confidential file.
Issues which affect a group of parents must also be communicated to the school through the complaints form on an individual basis. The board of directors will determine the exact medium of response and inform parents within two weeks.
Complaints about individual staff should be sent to the primary leader, using the complaints form. The leader will consult with the directors of education and a meeting will be arranged within two weeks, allowing time for the leaders to investigate the matter fully. If the complainant remains dissatisfied, the matter will be directed to the board of directors and a decision will be taken within a further two week period.
Complaints about the senior leadership team should be sent to the board of directors, using the standard form. A response will be given within two weeks.

Complaints and requests form