Last Saturday our teachers and teaching assistants participated in several trainings. The Early Years team participated in an online webinar led by Alistair Bryce Clegg, an EYFS consultant from the UK. The webinar focused on play-based learning and how it can be used to have a positive impact on the wellbeing, engagement and attainment of children. Staff gained a greater understanding on how to plan the learning environment and use open-ended resources to stimulate imaginative play and critical thinking. They also had the opportunity to share ideas and reflect on their current classroom practises.

PSHE Session
With the recent updates on the statutory PSHE requirements, Primary (KS1 and KS2) staff had training on how to continue to develop and improve the quality of teaching and learning in PSHE at Richmond Park School. It was a good opportunity for class teachers, teaching assistants and specialist subject teachers to meet together, generate ideas and share good practice. Staff are all looking forward to implementing what was learnt in the training workshop with the whole school community.

Remote Learning Session
In our second Saturday session training this week staff benefited from a dynamic and interactive session of practising our digital learning skills. Staff worked in their key stage groups collaboratively to upskill and advance their blended learning vision in Primary. At Richmond Park School, we believe that blended learning is part of the framework of the future of teaching, not just this year but as a sustainable methodology for the future. Led by our two blended learning co-ordinators our staff are working hard to equip themselves to teach these skills effectively to the pupils, to develop our pupils by giving them transferable skills for the global world.

Secondary staff training on PSHE curriculum and IT
A KS3 staff at Richmond Park School had a wonderful morning together on site looking at our PSHE curriculum and developing our understanding of using information technology as a school community.
It was very helpful to have some time together away from the busy school day to reflect and discuss matters. A lot of useful information and ideas were shared and discussed by everyone. They all thoroughly enjoyed the morning spent together and gained a great deal from it.

Mindfulness session
Teachers had the opportunity to revise and practise some key mindfulness techniques to support their personal practice.