Our Director of Education, Jim Shallcross shares some thoughts and ideas about education.

Optional swimming activity for KS3
As an element of our healthy lifestyle programme, we have organised an optional swimming course programme for Years 7, 8 & 9 students at 8am. The children themselves have understood the commitment and implications of this activity and are happy to start their morning activities.

Curricular class meetings with parents
Early Years and Primary parents were invited to the school performance centre during the week beginning September 20th for a curriculum meeting for each year group.
Ms Sanchez (Primary Leader) and the three key stage coordinators (EYFS Ms Pritchard, KS1 Ms Lanham, KS2 Ms Croome) as well as class teachers for each year group, spoke about the key aspects of teaching and learning in a British School. The core curriculum subjects, as well as the specialist subjects taught in school, were also discussed.
A question-and-answer session was held at the end of each presentation, during which parents discussed any concerns they had about daily procedures or policies at Richmond Park School.

Extra-curricular activities
After the pandemic restrictions last year, we have finally been able to offer a wide range of extra-curricular activities for our pupils from Pre-Nursery to Year 9. These include sports activities such as basketball, judo, volleyball, rugby, hockey, football, ballet & funky, chess, creative arts such as keyboards and drama, and `French cuisine`, which is a a delicious way of practising French while learning a new recipe.
“Olimpiadas Escolares” 2021/22
Richmond Park School has been invited to compete in the Fuencarral-El Pardo `Olimpiadas Escolares´. Some Years 6 to 8 students will take part in these olympic competition together with other schools. Richmond Park School is very excited to be attending this local Olympic Games tournament, which is organised by the town hall. The event will be held at `Instalación Deportiva Básica Martín Temiño´ on Tuesday 19 October. The opportunity for our students to compete against local schools and students will be of great benefit to them and they are very excited at the prospect.
Inauguration of our Psychomotor Development room
Richmond Park School has just inaugurated its psychomotor development and sensory room for our EY Foundation stage pupils. The objectives are to provide the children with the resources they need to help them understand their own emotions and express them through creative action and movement and o work on the coordination and balance between body and mind. We shall use music, dance and performance of stories as a means to achieve these objectives. “A moving child is a learning child” (Gill Connell and Cheryl McCarthy).

Year 7 visit our Auditorium Fundación Juan March
On Tuesday 28 September, Year 7 attended a performance of the opera ‘I Tre Gobbi’ (The Three Hunchbacks) by Manuel García, at Fundación Juan March. This was a wonderful opportunity for the students to experience a live performance by a group of professional singers and musicians, to listen to the varying tessituras of the voices and identify the different singing ensembles: arias, duets, trios and quartets.
We will bring this experience into our classwork through focusing on the performance style and trying to use some of these ideas in our own performances which relate to our topic of STOMP – rhythm. The children were asked to focus on the visual and audio elements of the opera and identify features that impressed them. Some of their observations focused on the way the performers used the whole performance space, how the composer varied the pitch and texture of the music and the musicians’ intention to express musical ideas together as an ensemble.

Richmond Park School’s Houses score chart

Richmond Park School’s merchandising
Please take a look at the school’s web section: “SHOP”, where you will find the T-shirts, jumpers and bags that all our students admire and would like to have. This school year 2021/22 we have started to produce sports bags, T-shirts and jumpers with our Houses’ logos.
Please remember you can also buy our RPS masks at our administration office. A percentage of the income will be donated to Madrid’s ‘ Banco de Alimentos’.