Richmond Park
Summer School

Richmond Park
Summer School

Richmond Park
Summer School


Richmond Park Summer School

RPS Summer School is the ideal complementary activity to finish the school year. Based on a successful system of alternating workshops, each participant will work, on a daily basis, in different activities chosen by educators according to the different age groups. Our main objective is for children to develop a series of skills that will help them in the future, while, at the same time, they have fun and improve their interpersonal relationships.

We have tried to create a balanced programme which guarantees very high levels of motivation and participation. Combining physical activities, through sport, with others that require mental agility, we shall ensure the children are both entertained and helped to develop as individuals. Our programme will focus on the development of some of key skills:


Offered to children from 3 to 11 years old
Dates 30 June to 18 July 2025
Times 8:30h to 15:30h
Price 30/06 to 11/07: 498€
30/06 to 18/07: 714€
1 night stay: 40€ (Tuesday 01/07, Thursday 03/07, Tuesday 08/07 and/or Thursday 10/07)


Richmond Park School's programme develops the following skills:

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By year groups

When working on the selection and organisation of the workshops, our teachers and coordinators have in mind several different variables: the age of participants, moment in the day, physical load, activity duration, preparation and collection of items, variety, etc.

Age is, clearly the most important variable, and determines the specific content of the activities. The children will be divided into two main groups:

From 3 to 5 years of age

The youngest children will have their own dedicated space, to enjoy a daily exclusive programme, guided and cared for at all moments by the same specialist team. Our EYFS specialists take care of their safeguarding and well-being, while prompting them to participate in, and enjoy the different experiences s and reach the set objectives.

Enroll my child

From 6 to 11 years of age

This group will enjoy far more autonomy, participating in many different workshops organised throughout the school’s facilities. Each workshop will be led by one or more instructors, who will identify key objectives in their planning to careful planning , complement those worked on during the school year.

Enroll my child


Early Years

08:30 - 09:00


09:00 — 09:40

Workshop: P.E./Games

09:50 — 10:30

Workshop: Arts & Crafts

10:40 — 11:20


11:30 — 12:10

Water games

12:20 — 13:00


13:10 — 13:50


14:00 — 15:00

Workshop: English games

15:15 — 15:30

Picking up


08:30 - 09:00


09:00 — 09:40

Workshop: Cooking

09:50 — 10:30

Sports: basketball

10:40 — 11:20

Sports: football

11:30 — 12:10

Swimming Pool

12:20 — 13:00

Workshop: Games

13:10 — 13:50


14:00 — 15:00

Workshop: Arts & Crafts

15:15 — 15:30

Picking up

IMPORTANT: this is an example of a normal day. Activities may vary for sports workshops. Children will practice different sporting disciplines.


Early Years

This stage of our Summer School is offered to children aged 3, 4 and 5 years old.



Starting the day with some form of physical activity is very beneficial to the children. The benefits are not limited to the development of’s motor skills, coordination and balance, but also help them relax, improve their concentration and just have fun.


Arts & Crafts

This is one of the most entertaining workshops, within which pupils can be both creative and, at the same time, practise their English.


Water games

Here the children can enjoy their little water park, participating in a wide variety of games and structured activities. They will enjoy themselves so much and also keep fresh and fit.


English games

This workshop will include a wide range of entertaining and motivating activities, all geared towards Immersion in the English language through games, songs, audiovisual experiences, storytelling , drama etc.




The children will learn how to prepare delicious sweet and savoury recipes in a kitchen specifically designed for them. Under constant supervision by two or more adults, children will develop practical cooking skills, learn brand new vocabulary and get to take home what they prepare.



All our sports workshops have the same basic aims, pursued by diverse means. Apart from achieving the specific objectives and learning the rules of each sport, participants will also develop the main physical skills: resistance, speed, strength and agility. There will also be a strong emphasis on personal effort, teamwork, and healthy competition. Key sports will include : basketball, football, badminton, rounders, hockey and handball.



This workshop aims to include another moment in their daily routine for physical and social development. Through a careful selection of games, some traditional and some innovative, we will seek to work on the different physical abilities of each participant. Fun and entertainment are guaranteed as well as the possibility of competing individually and as part of a team.


Swimming pool

The water sports will conform to the established norms. Under constant adult supervision, the children will take part in a series of activities which will be both fun and refreshing.


Arts & Crafts

The main objective of this workshop will be to discover the artist inside every child. For this reason, it will be one of the most entertaining and enjoyable. The children’s work will be based on direct experience and make the most of their natural creativity. At home, everyone will be able to share their achievements and give them the recognition they deserve.

What did our 2024 participants think of RPS's Summer School?

Sin duda contaremos con Richmond Park para otros años porque, sin ser alumnos del colegio, nuestros niños se han sentido acogidos y enseguida han hecho amigos.

Las horas de deporte en este campamento han sido ¡lo mejor! Y la cocina ha sido un gran divertimento, donde aprendían procedimientos muy útiles a la par que disfrutaban de grandes momentos. Muchísimas gracias por todo vuestro apoyo, cariño y ganas por hacer las cosas fantásticamente bien. Felicidades por vuestro éxito y por vuestra gran organización.

Mi más sincera enhorabuena por el trabajo y desempeño llevados a cabo durante el Summer School de Richmond Park. Recogíamos a nuestros hijos cada tarde encantados viéndoles presumir de todo aquello que habían elaborado en el día. No paraban de hacer talleres diversos y creativos, todos ligados por temáticas comunes entre ellos. Muy agradecido por el resultado final.

La organización perfecta, ya que, cuando los padres tenemos que trabajar, necesitamos estar tranquilos y saber que nuestros hijos están en buenas manos y es que salían cada día encantados. Todo ha estado fenomenal, el staff fantástico y la diversidad de temáticas, talleres y actividades han estado de 10.

El amplísimo espacio que ofrece Richmond Park ha posibilitado una experiencia enriquecedora para nuestros hijos, disfrutando de un mes de julio divertido, lleno de aprendizaje y grandes momentos.

La hora de los Water Games al aire libre ha sido ¡el gran acierto del verano! Gracias a los espacios tan espléndidos que posee el colegio, nuestros hijos han podido disfrutar de un mini “parque acuático” difícil de superar en otros centros educativos de la zona. Mil gracias por haber arrancado con semejante nivel, ganas y éxito rotundo.


To complete the inscription for our Summer School, please:

1. complete the attached form

2. bank transfer 200€ as "Summer School deposit - name of child" to the school's bank account

3. email both the transfer receipt and inscription form to

Thank you!

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