Estimados padres,
Les informamos sobre una nueva iniciativa que están sacando adelante nuestros alumnos de Yr 7 y Yr 8 con sus homólogos del colegio Sainte Marie en Lyon, Francia. Con ánimo de fomentar el aprendizaje intercultural, a lo largo de este curso han estado manteniendo de forma regular: correspondencia por email, videoconferencias, pequeños cortos y otro tipo de acciones que les permite, entre otras cosas, mejorar su francés. Una vez recuperada la normalidad, esperamos poder hacerles una visita.
Diego de 7L piensa: “It is very important for us as young people and the future generation to know how to interact with others across the world in a positive way. This international project with the school in Lyon can help us in the future by developing friendships so that we can meet and learn from one another. It can also benefit us in terms of understanding a new city and its culture. Of course, this is useful for our examination work, but it is even more exciting that we are getting to know someone from abroad who speaks a different language to us. This develops not only our resilience, but also our international perspective. We have thoroughly enjoyed working on this project so far.”
Claudia in Year 8 piensa: “As a student at Richmond Park School, I want to share my experience of our French “pen pal” project. I enjoy discovering new cultures, so the idea of going to Lyon one day is very appealing to me. We can discover a new place at the same time as learning a modern foreign language. We have enjoyed the video conference opportunities in class, writing letters and making videos. When we travel, we meet people from different cultures. I believe travelling to other countries can change the way that we view the world and having the opportunity to converse in French with native speakers is useful in terms of learning faster and more authentically. I am truly grateful for the opportunity to meet people from abroad and I cannot wait to meet my pen pal away from the screen and in person when travel permits.”
Estamos muy orgullosos de esta iniciativa y de que nuestros alumnos puedan comprender por qué es fundamental para ellos conocer y aprender de gente de diversas culturas. Enhorabuena a todos los implicados.