As part of our awareness programme, our new blended technology team, led by Ms González and Ms Ingleson, has worked with RPS Families on an initiative that will allow RPS parents to understand our vision and strategies about technology in learning spaces. As part of these new initiatives is the possibility of mini presentations at the beginning of the year to new and existing parents.  

This month, RPS Families organised a round table attended by the professor of Cybercommunication and New Media, Laura Cuesta and the Director of Development and Marketing of Adigital, María Lázaro. 

During the conversation, several topics were discussed: 

  • the debate about screen exposure time is not new 
  • segmentation by age and maturity of each minor for screen use 
  • the headline culture has generated many biases 
  • the use of screens and electronic devices at school must always be complementary 
  • setting limits on the use of technology at home 


UK Junior Mathematics Challenge 

Year 7 and 8 volunteers entered the UK Junior Mathematics Challenge on Thursday 25 April. This is designed to be difficult and entry is open to top students in mathematics. It consists of problems that are designed to make you think and use logic, rather than be a test of work done at school. Calculators are not allowed. It was pleasing to see so many of our students rising to the challenge and wanting to do well. The results came out over the weekend and Year 7 achieved 8 bronze certificates. Year 8 achieved 6 bronze certificates and 3 silver certificates. One student was one mark off a gold certificate which will certainly be a goal for next year. Congratulations to all those who participated! 

Year 7 trip to the Zoo 

Year 7 went to Madrid Zoo. We had two tour guides who took us around and discussed the adaptations of specific animals and how this helps them to survive. This links with the work students have been doing at school. They talked about conservation of species and how the zoo helps with international breeding programmes, education and rewilding. They were very impressed with our students’ knowledge, participation and behaviour. 

We then watched educational shows on dolphins and birds and saw as many animals as we could. Everyone had their favourites, but the orangutans came out on top, perhaps because their DNA is approximately 97% the same as ours! We all learned lots and had a great time. We look forward to going again next year! 

Year 3 trip to El Bosque Encantado

On Monday 6 May, Year 3 enjoyed a trip to the Bosque Encantado. They participated in a yoga workshop and enjoyed walking around the gardens, learning about the different plants and animals growing there.  

Years 5 and 7 Opera Kids project – `Turandot´ 

The children in Year 5 and Year 7 participated in the Opera Kids project once more this year. As part of this project, they explored the main characteristics, history, and details of the opera genre. They received training in opera singing techniques and learnt to sing five arias from Puccini’s `Turandot´.  

In May, the music department organised three open lessons, where the children shared their knowledge and skills with their parents and grandparents. Yr students collaborated in speaking about the history of opera and the features and roles of the different voices. It was a wonderful experience that involved the whole family and prepared the students for their final performance at the Teatros del Canal, alongside professional opera singers.   

This sharing concluded with a look at some of the other musical project work undertaken as part of the Year 7 folk music topic. The students demonstrated some of their group collaborative work based on the sea shanty, `The Wellerman´. 

We would like to thank the families for joining us in our learning and joining in with such good spirit! We are all looking forward to our upcoming trip to the theatre on 7 June, to perform alongside other schools and the professional opera singers in a production of Puccini’s `Turandot´. 

San Isidro at RPS

On Friday 17 May, Richmond Park School celebrated San Isidro. Our Key Stage 1 and Early Years Foundation Stage children dressed up in traditional San Isidro costumes, adding a splash of colour and festivity to the school. Throughout the day, the children engaged in a variety of activities, learning about the significance of San Isidro and immersing themselves in Spanish culture. 

They enjoyed learning the traditional San Isidro dance, accompanied by typical Spanish music. During the special assembly, the Spanish department taught the children about the significance and history of San Isidro, enriching their understanding of this important cultural event. This assembly highlighted the importance of cultural appreciation and brought the school community together in celebration. 


Sports Day 2024 

Objectives for Key Stage 1 

Sport´s Day is an important part of the key stage 1 curriculum. The day gives the children an opportunity to enjoy sport in the school environment whilst sharing this unique day with their family. The day is primarily focused on participation and will again promote the significant benefits exercise can have on improving the quality of life. Children will complete a variety of tasks that will showcase their sporting abilities and they will complete to win points for their school houses. Every accumulated point will be entered into the whole school sport house competition with the winners announced once every year group has completed their own Sport´s Day. Below is a summary of the objectives and Richmond Park School is extremely proud to share this unique occasion with the families: 

  • to enjoy and celebrate sporting activity 
  • to be able to demonstrate sporting excellent and to share with their families 
  • to be able to perform and multitude of sporting skills  
  • to have fun 

Objectives for Key Stage 2 

Sport´s Day will provide KS2 students an opportunity to compete at an athletics arena. The objective of this event is to promote athletics to the children whilst being able to showcase their own individual talents. They will be focused on participation in the aim to promote a healthy lifestyle whilst providing competition to introduce this concept as a part of the students psychological development. The day is open for parents to attend and this will be an excellent event to celebrate development.  Children will compete to win points for their school houses. Every accumulated point will be entered into the whole school sport house competition with the winners announced once every year group has completed their own Sport´s Day. Richmond Park School is really proud to share this event with the families and we hope that you can attend. Below is a summary of the objectives for the day: 

  • to celebrate and enjoy sport in a real athletics arena 
  • to showcase individual talents and skills learn throughout the school academic year 
  • to be able to share and enjoy sport with school friends and family 
  • to understand competition and to build important skills for life. 


The Early Years students had so much fun participating in this year’s sports day event. They worked in their house teams to practice key gross motor movements: They had to balance along beams and then negotiate their way through hoops using their upper body muscles: They had to run and jump over hurdles with increasing height: They had to throw bean bags into hoops, some close requiring under arm throwing, some far away requiring over arm throwing: They had to run, hop and jump through a course of hula hoops.

Throughout all the different stations, they had to understand the importance of working together and supporting each other. 

Golf exercises 

Year 3 have been working 2 weeks on each part of the game first on the longer shots, then 2 weeks chipping and approach, finally putting around the the green. Each week seeing great development and all enjoying the different drills. 

Visit of Yasemine Mrabet 

Yasmine Mrabet, a professional and international football player, joined an extraordinary secondary assembly at Richmond Park School in May. She shared her incredible journey and vision regarding resilience, success, failure, consistency and hard work with our students. 

Football league Spring Cup 2024 

After an impressive second place finish in the league, Richmond Park’s football team have been competing in the Spring Cup. We were placed in a group with El Prado, Manila Estrellas, and EF Chamartín. We played our first game against el Prado- Pedro from Year 5 wrote a match report: 

We sadly lost 12-1 to Prado in our first match of the Spring Cup, but we still played wonderfully. It was a difficult match because we played in a new pitch we did not know well. In the first half, Erick scored a penalty that gave us hope. One of the reasons we lost was because Gonzalo, one of our best players, was sick and didn’t play. We did our best and I am sure the next games will be better. If Prado loses their next game, and we win the rest of our matches, Richmond can still go to the cup play offs»

After a difficult game against el Prado, the team regrouped and played a fantastic match against EF Chamartín, where we were unfortunate to lose by 4 goals to 2. This meant that we were eliminated from the cup. However, the team rallied and ended the season with one of the most exciting games yet, a 9-7 win against Manila Estrellas. The game was lit up by a brilliant finish from Angela, a wonderful piece of skill from our captain William, and some fantastic saves from Alejandro- playing in goal for the very first time! 

It has been a successful season for Richmond Park School and we cannot wait to compete again next year. Congratulations to all the players!» 

Friendly basketball match 

During our match against the Colegio Padre Manyanet, the team showed a clear improvement in the aspects that are being emphasised in lessons the most: the work of covering each of the players and taking care of turnovers. However, we still need to work a lot on the physical and technical-tactical aspects where we are improving. 

There was internal cohesion of the group and everyone worked for the good of the team. Congratulations! 

On 24 May, we played our first friendly match in RPS’s field with C.D. Las Tablas. As with previous opponents, the difference in experience between the two teams was noticeable.  

They beat us in technique, physique and individual tactics, although the coach sincerely believed that we surpassed Las Tablas in fighting ability, technique and defensive criteria. The result, 4-31, may seem bulky without knowing the circumstances but in these categories it is very common to see differences of more than 50 points.  


Richmond Park School’s Houses score chart


Richmond Park School’s merchandising

We invite you to visit our website’s section “SHOP” where you will be able to see all the merchandise with our Houses’ logos. Please remember this is a personalised service, so orders cannot be received with less than two weeks notice.