We are delighted to inform you of two initiatives relating to sport, which will start in the second term. We are confident they will significantly reinforce our commitment to being a high quality sports centre.
1st initiative
Another physical education specialist has been appointed, who will be responsible for organising and coordinating the outside sports activities during break times. This new member of staff will act, during these moments, as the key person for all pupils, ensuring they make full use of the opportunities for games and physical exercise. His key priorities will be to organise the space and activities effectively and establish individual and group objectives so that pupils make progress in each sport.
2nd initiative
Following the success of the secondary school swimming club, which takes place on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays from 8am (with 80% student participation), we are introducing another similar scheme. This new opportunity, led by our physical education teacher, Mr. Goodey, will be offered to pupils in Years 5 and 6. During the next two terms, pupils will be able to take part voluntarily in this morning sports club, developing their skills in football and basketball. On our return to school, we shall provide further information.