



Aprendiendo para el futuro,
aprendiendo del pasado.

Richmond Park School es un centro educativo centrado en el desarrollo académico y emocional de cada alumno. Nuestra filosofía se basa en valores éticos y morales como el respeto, la empatía, la honestidad, la generosidad y la perseverancia, que unida a un proyecto educativo amplio, riguroso y estimulante, dota a los alumnos de las herramientas necesarias para alcanzar su máximo potencial a través del desarrollo de sus habilidades y conocimientos.

En este contexto eficaz y estructurado, nuestros alumnos se convierten en personas creativas, independientes y con pensamiento crítico. Futuros individuos y profesionales capaces de dirigir su vida y contribuir de forma positiva y eficiente a construir un mundo mejor.


Un entorno idóneo para la formación de niños con edades comprendidas entre los 2 y los 18 años.

Ser el mejor lugar para disfrutar del aprendizaje.

Convertirnos en un colegio británico de referencia.

Dotar al colegio de una identidad propia compartida por alumnos y profesores.

Crear una comunidad escolar que apoye y valore nuestra misión y se sienta orgullosa de su colegio.


Para asegurarnos de que se aplica nuestra filosofía, Richmond Park School ha definido la siguiente metodología:

  • Nuestros alumnos aprenderán según el plan de estudios británico (National Curriculum), ampliado de forma significativa mediante temas y proyectos globales.
  • Nuestros profesores dedicarán tiempo y atención específica al conocimiento global, al desarrollo de habilidades y a la integridad personal a través del plan de estudios y de otras iniciativas.
  • Nuestros profesores asegurarán que los alumnos cuenten con una base de conocimiento fuerte, pero también reforzarán el desarrollo de su comprensión, capacidades y habilidades, adaptando lo que han aprendido a situaciones de la vida real.
  • Se reconocerán y celebrarán todos los aspectos del desarrollo educativo y personal con el fin de fortalecer la autoestima del alumno.
  • Los alumnos participarán activamente y sus puntos de vista, opiniones, necesidades y deseos siempre desempeñarán un papel primordial en la organización de las actividades de aprendizaje.
  • Ayudaremos a los alumnos a pensar, a actuar de forma creativa y a reflexionar sobre su formación.
  • Se evaluará de forma efectiva y continua el progreso de los alumnos en todos los aspectos educativos para asegurar la máxima aptitud y crecimiento personal posibles.
  • Ayudaremos a los alumnos a desarrollar una moral y valores éticos fuertes, así como su predisposición para ayudar y apoyar a los demás.
  • Crearemos un sistema estructurado para las necesidades especiales de aprendizaje de los alumnos, que incluirá la identificación temprana de las necesidades, intervenciones planificadas, monitorización continua y revisión.
  • El colegio, en toda su labor educativa, hará hincapié en la importancia de llevar una vida saludable y estar en forma. Ofrecerá una amplia gama de opciones para que los alumnos participen al máximo en actividades deportivas, así como entrenamientos específicos y de alto rendimiento para aquéllos que lo soliciten.
  • El colegio fomentará la conciencia medioambiental y ecológica y organizará acciones colectivas para solucionar problemas puntuales o apoyar a comunidades necesitadas.



Richmond Park School ofrecerá una programación basada en el curriculum nacional de Reino Unido, pero enriquecido con la inclusion de asignaturas de co-curriculum como habilidades de comunicación y opinión. Queremos que nuestros alumnos estén ampliamente preparados para un mundo cambiante, aprendiendo para el futuro mientras seguimos aprendiendo del pasado.

Mientras que los valores y enfoques tradicionales serán los primordiales en nuestro amplio y riguroso programa educativo, nuestro co-curriculum enriquecerá las experiencias de aprendizaje, de los alumnos, proporcionando una excelencia académica y variedad de habilidades tanto personales como interpersonales. Esto, junto con la importancia que daremos al bienestar y a la vida saludable, asegurará que nuestros estudiantes estén preparados de forma autosuficiente para las oportunidades y retos del siglo XXI y para su vida después del colegio.

Los primeros tres años

Los niños más pequeños necesitan oportunidades para desarrollarse social y emocionalmente, consiguiendo nuevos retos en el día a día en un entorno seguro y estimulante. Animaremos a los niños a ser curiosos y creativos a través de diversas actividades tanto dentro como fuera de la clase.

Pre-Nursery2 a 3 años de edad

Un programa británico basado en el programa académico de los 0 a los 5 años:

  • Desarrollo emocional y social
  • Rutinas de aprendizaje básicas para desarrollar la autonomía e independencia
  • Familiarización con el idioma inglés a través de cuentos, juegos y actividades

Nursery 3 a 4 años de edad

Reception 4 a 5 años de edad

Se introduce el programa de Early Years Foundation Stage. Áreas de aprendizaje:

  • Comunicación y lenguaje
  • Desarrollo físico
  • Desarrollo personal, social y emocional
  • Lenguaje
  • Matemáticas
  • Entendimiento del mundo
  • Artes expresivas y diseño


El entusiasmo por aprender es incentivado a través de una gran variedad de métodos de enseñanza que incluirán investigación y descubrimiento, y sesiones de preguntas y respuestas creativas.

El aprendizaje tanto académico como personal se consolidará durante todos los años en Primaria. Los niños serán animados a ser estudiantes independientes así como a trabajar en conjunto con sus compañeros. Esperamos de nuestros alumnos que muestren un conocimiento amplio de su comunidad y de su propia responsabilidad social en su camino hacia la educación en Secundaria.

Los siguientes seis años se dividen en dos etapas:

  • Key Stage 1 - Years 1 and 2 (5 a 7 años)
  • Key Stage 2 - Years 3 to 6 (6 a 11 años)
  • Years 3 y 4 son denominados Lower Key Stage 2
  • Years 5 y 6 son denominados Upper Key Stage 2

El programa académico para estas etapas (Key Stages) está basado en el Curriculum británico con la inclusión del programa oficial de Lengua Española y Humanidades.


  • Lenguaje
  • Matemáticas
  • Ciencias
  • Informática
  • Geografía
  • Historia
  • Arte y Diseño
  • Música
  • Deporte
  • Educación Personal, Social y de Salud
  • Lengua española

Somos conscientes de que los niños se desarrollan según sus necesidades y progresos. Nuestro objetivo es reconocer, animar y dar apoyo tanto a los niños con mayor dificultad, como aquéllos con dislexia, como a los que tengan un talento o inteligencia particular.


En Secondary, nuestro objetivo es ofrecer continuidad a la sección de Primary. Es vital que los alumnos sigan aprendiendo de forma creativa, variada y estimulante. Tienen que estar motivados y ser curiosos; querer descubrir más conocimientos e ideas, encontrar nuevas formas de pensar y resolver problemas, trabajar juntos, escucharse y aprender unos de otros. Por encima de todo, los alumnos nunca deben perder la alegría de aprender, ni siquiera cuando se enfrentan al reto de los exámenes externos.

Ofrecemos un plan de estudios amplio y equilibrado, complementado con temas co-curriculares como la comunicación y las habilidades individuales. Los alumnos están preparados para las múltiples oportunidades y retos de la sociedad moderna.

Plan de estudios de KS3:

  • Inglés y drama
  • Matemáticas
  • Ciencias
  • Estudios españoles
  • Informática
  • Geografía
  • Historia
  • Arte
  • Música
  • Educación física
  • PSHE

Plan de estudios de KS4:

  • Lengua y literatura inglesa
  • Matemáticas
  • Ciencias
  • Español
  • Educación física
  • 2 asignaturas optativas

Los alumnos suelen estudiar siete asignaturas obligatorias y dos optativas, que conducen a un examen del nivel del Certificado General Internacional de Educación Secundaria (IGCSE).

Post 16- onwards to University

At Richmond Park School we will be offering courses that enable our students to progress to the best Universities within Spain and internationally. Many of our teachers have previously taught UK A Levels and / or the International Baccalaureate and we are working to develop our exciting and engaging post 16 offer.

We will be planning to include the following subjects in our offer for students after they complete IGCSEs:

  • English
  • Mathematics
  • Physics
  • Chemistry
  • Biology
  • Spanish
  • French
  • Geography
  • Sports Science
  • Business Studies
  • Art and Visual Studies

Richmond Park School SIXTH Form Centre

Why should you choose RPS Sixth Form Centre?

At RPS we are striving to become a reference school in all aspects of education, in all key stages of a student’s academic journey, and particularly now as we open our post 16 provision – RPS Sixth Form Centre. Our commitment to developing excellence is evident in our new Sixth Form Centre (6FC), we realise the importance of this last phase of our students education as they prepare to enter some of the top universities internationally. The owners, senior leaders and every staff member share our vision of “making sure every child meets their full potential and is ready to become a happy citizen that can contribute positively to the future world in which they will be living”.

With our experienced and greatly talented team of professionals, we have teachers who understand very well the impact they need to have on students in order to obtain the best outcomes for them. We have recruited and retained well trained and experienced teachers and ensured the school has provided them with all the resources and equipment needed to make sure all students can meet their ambitions and expectations. Our commitment is evident in our state-of-the-art new building, strategically annexed to the existing secondary section which provides a personalised 600m² structure with a modern style where students can have a fantastic Young Adult Experience (YAE) before they enter university. Our design is comfortable, business oriented and equipped with the latest technology so that that our Sixth Form Centre will provide everything that the International Baccalaureate Diploma programme requires for the successful education of our students.

What is the International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma programme?

The International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma Programme is increasingly recognised as one of the most comprehensive and robust educational qualifications available globally. For students at British schools in Spain, the IB offers numerous advantages that make it an excellent choice, which is why we chose to work towards being able to offer the IB at Richmond Park School.

The IB Diploma Programme is renowned for its rigorous academic standards, which challenge students to develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills. Students who undertake the IB are exposed to a curriculum that encourages depth and breadth of knowledge. The program requires students to study six subjects across different disciplines, ensuring a well-rounded education.

These subjects include:


  • Spanish
  • English
  • French

Social sciences:

  • Business Management
  • Geography
  • History

Art subjects:

  • Visual Arts

Science and mathematical subjects:

  • Mathematics
  • Physics
  • Chemistry
  • Biology
  • Computer Science
  • Sports and Health Science

Furthermore, the IB emphasises independent research through its Extended Essay, a 4,000-word research paper on a topic of the student’s choice. This component develops essential academic skills, such as formulating research questions, conducting independent research, and presenting findings coherently. For our students, these skills are invaluable, as they prepare them for the demands of higher education and professional environments, where such abilities are highly prized.

One of the key strengths of the IB Diploma is its holistic approach to education, which aligns well with contemporary educational philosophies in British Schools. The program does not solely focus on academic achievements but also on the personal development of students. The IB aims to develop inquiring, knowledgeable, and caring young people who are motivated to succeed. This is achieved through the program’s core components: the Theory of Knowledge (TOK) course, the Extended Essay, and Creativity, Activity, Service (CAS).

The TOK course encourages students to reflect on the nature of knowledge and how we know what we claim to know. This course is particularly beneficial for students as it promotes critical thinking and philosophical inquiry, encouraging them to question and understand different perspectives. CAS, on the other hand, requires students to engage in various extracurricular activities, fostering personal and interpersonal development through experiential learning. By participating in creative projects, physical activities, and community service, our students develop a sense of social responsibility and a balanced lifestyle, which are crucial for their overall well-being.

The IB Diploma is recognised by universities worldwide, including top institutions in Spain, Europe and beyond. This international recognition provides students with a competitive edge when applying to universities, both domestically and internationally. Spanish universities, such as the Universidad Complutense de Madrid and the Universidad de Barcelona, acknowledge the rigor and comprehensive nature of the IB, often offering special admission considerations for IB graduates.

We are excited to be a new IB centre in Madrid.

Meet our team

Meet our team: enrolment in the full diploma

Richmond Park School will enrol students who agree to commence the Full Diploma Programme: 

3 subjects at SL

3 subjects at HL

Diploma Programme Core

  • Theory of Knowledge
  • Creativity, Activity, Service
  • Extended Essay

Group 1


Is the study of literature in a student's first language, including the study of selections of world literature

Group 2


Emphasizes language acquisition and use in a range of context and for different purposes

Group 3


Provides for the development of a critical appreciation of human experience and behavior, the varieties of physical, economic and social environments that people inhabit and the history of social and cultural institutions

Group 4


Consists of subjects such as biology, chemistry, computer science, sports science and physics. Each of these subjects contains a body of knowledge together with scientific methods and techniques which students are required to learn and apply

Group 5


Enables students to develop mathematical knowledge, concepts and principles; develop logical, critical and creative thinking; employ and refine their powers of abstraction and generalization. Students are also encouraged to appreciate international dimensions of mathematics and the multiplicity of its cultural and historical perspectives

Group 6


Includes visual arts. These subjects allow a high degree of adaptability to different cultural contexts with the emphasis on creativity in the context of disciplines, practical research into the relevant genres



Michael Connolly


Bachelor of Science (Hons) -University of Galway, Ireland

Alice Orton


Bachelor in Geography – University of Bristol

Master in Psychology of Music in Education -University of Sheffield

Andrei Clark


Bachelor of Education (Hons) Secondary Education and Physical Education - University of St Marks & St John.

Nuno Novo

Sports, Exercise & Health Science

Bachelor in Physical Education (Hons) - University of Coimbra

Master in International Education and IB teaching and learning - University Camilo José Cela

Benjamin Bird


PGCE Secondary in MFL - Roxhampton University

Combined Honours in Spanish & French BA - University of Exeter

Gregory Williams


Art Bachelor of Arts (Hons) – Ravensbourne College of Art

Master in International Education and Leadership – Endicott College

Karen Prentice

Business Studies

Bachelor or Art (Hons) in English Literature & PgDp Journalism - University of Stirling

PGCE - University of Southampton

Kathryn Slack

Science Bachelor

in Biology and Movement Studies (Hons) – St. Mary’s College, University of Surrey

Leyre Chueca


Bachelor in Engineering and Agronomic Science – University Politécnica de Madrid

Master in Educational technology and digital skills – University of La Rioja

Mª José Jorge


Bachelor in Spanish, Literature and Foreign Civilization – University of Dijon 

Petrina de Gouttes


Bachelor of Arts in English Literature (Hons) - University of Reading

Rebecca Dodds


Bachelor of Arts in History & Theology/Religious Studies - University of Surrey

Postgraduate Certification in Education - University of Exeter

Rosa Martínez


Bachelor in Biology – University of Alicante

Course in Pedagogical Aptitude – University of Elche

Sam Zeito


Bachelor in Aeronautical Engineering – Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm

Master of education in Mathematics and Physics – University of Stockholm

Susana García


Spanish Bachelor & Master in History (Hons) - University of Sevilla

Postgraduate – Teacher of Spanish as a second language – Pablo de Olavide University. Teacher qualification for Spanish Language & Literature

Luisa Lovelle

Careers Advisor

Bachelor in Law - Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Bachelor in Law – Universitá di Parma

Master in Politics, Economics and Community law – Collegio Europeo di Parma

Carmen Vicaría

Spanish studies

Spanish studies Degree in English Education – University of Cordoba

Master’s degree for English Professional Qualification – Universidad de Cordoba

Clara Gómez

Lab technician

Bachelor in Science (Hons) – in Cognitive Neuroscience and Psychology with Industrial/Professional Experience - University of Manchester

Master in Research and Integrative Neuroscience -University of Edinburgh



Contact details:

Nieves Norris
Telf.: +34 677.25.78.68

Requirements for entry

Requirements for entry

At Richmond Park School we aim to offer an International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme to our students who wish to continue their studies at the end of Secondary School IGCSE Year 11.

The requirements for our current Y11 students are slightly different than for students coming from another school.

Richmond Park School student requirements:

  • Enrol in the Baccalaureate by selecting appropriately the subjects of the list offered by the school (prior knowledge in Science, languages and Mathematics subjects will be taken into account).
  • Students to have passed the Spanish Secondary Programme (ESO) and hold 5 IGCSE qualifications.
  • Minimum entry requirements –Cs in English Lang & Maths plus 3 Bs in other subjects.
  • Min. B  in Maths for Maths HL. Min. BB in Combined Science for Biology or Chemistry HL. Min. BB in Coordinated Science and B in Maths for Physics HL
  • Show an academic and personal school trajectory in accordance with the philosophy of the IBO.
  • Age between 16 and 18 years old.

Students who come from a Spanish or other international school:

  • Enrol in the Baccalaureate by properly selecting the subjects from the list offered by the school.
  • Have passed the approved the Spanish Compulsory Secondary Education program or the equivalent secondary education program from their country of origin. Where IGCSEs are taken then the student must meet minimum entry requirements –Cs in English Lang & Maths plus 3 Bs in other subjects. Min. B  in Maths for Maths HL. Min. BB in Combined Science for Biology or Chemistry HL. Min. BB in Coordinated Science and B in Maths for Physics HL
  • Prove a good level of English (first certificate or Advanced Cambridge) or, failing that, take an oral and written test at our school.
  • Pass a maths test to assess the student's level in this subject.
  • Submit a letter of application and a positive set of references from previous school(s).
  • Show an academic and personal school trajectory in accordance with the philosophy of the IBO. 
  • Complete a successful interview with the IB Coordinator, the Secondary Leader, including meeting the student's parents or guardians.
  • Age between 16 and 18 years old.

IMPORTANT - Admission of Students with ALN:

Students with Additional Learning Needs will be able to access the IB at Richmond Park School, as long as they meet the requirements established by the IB Organisation for these cases, and the general conditions indicated for all students. More detail is in our Access and Inclusion Policy.

Richmond Park School is a candidate school for the Diploma Programme. This school is pursuing authorisation as an IB World School. These are schools that share a common philosophy -a commitment to high quality, challenging, international education that Richmond Park School believes is important for our students.
Only schools authorised by the IB Organisation can offer any of its four academic programmes: the Primary Years Programme (PYP), the Middle Years Programme (MYP), the Diploma Programme (DP), or the Career-related Programme (CP).  Candidate status gives no guarantee that authorisation will be granted. For further information about the IB and its programmes, visit

2025/26 Sixth form scholarships

2025/26 Sixth Form scholarships

We are happy to announce the following three scholarships (not full scholarships) that will be granted to our first cohort of sixth form students, this is a sum of money that can help students and their family towards their future studies awarded at the end of the IB Diploma programme.

Once students have completed the 2-year programme (Years 12 & 13) at RPS at the end of June 2027, in their graduation ceremony and according to their success within the IB Diploma programme (overall IB score and participation in activities such as CAS), we will be giving out the following 3 scholarships:

  • Golden Sixth Form student: 30% of full tuition (not including any extras) according to RPS official fees for Yr 12 & 13 back to the family as a bank cheque.
  • Silver Sixth Form student: 20% of full tuition (not including any extras) according to RPS official fees for Yr 12 & 13 back to the family as a bank cheque.
  • Bronze Sixth Form student: 10% of full tuition (not including any extras) according to RPS official fees for Yr 12 & 13 back to the family as a bank cheque.

This will be officially reviewed on the third term of the academic year 2025/26 in order to make a revised scholarship offer to our second cohort, who will be starting Year 12 in 2026/27.

CO - Curriculum

Objetivos de desarrollo sostenible

Los proyectos y experiencias co-curriculares se realizan en paralelo a la programación académica, otorgando mayor amplitud y profundidad a su contenido.

Nuestro programa de sostenibilidad es un ejemplo perfecto de cómo Richmond Park School permitirá a nuestros alumnos conocer y comprender muchas cosas del mundo que les rodea. A través de los años, participarán de forma activa y creativa en proyectos integrados, basados en los “Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible (“17 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals”).

En el segundo y tercer trimestre de nuestro primer año escolar, los alumnos estudiarán aspectos sobre el agua, la energía y la paz. El programa cubrirá de forma gradual todos los objetivos del programa de desarrollo de Naciones Unidas, y más adelante se convertirá en un tema recurrente en la educación de los niños. Desarrollarán su propia sostenibilidad en un sentido profundo basado en los valores claves, la consideración, la empatía y la compasión, lo que les permitirá pensar en la sostenibilidad de otras personas y culturas así como en el medio ambiente.


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